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My Trip to Davao

Last week was incredible. I was in the island of Mindanao in the city of Davao. I joined a team of pastors from the United States and Calvary International missionaries to help minister at a tribal pastors conference.

In Mindanao there are thirty-four tribal groups. Twenty-five of those tribes were represented at this conference. Over 500 pastors and church leaders from these people groups attended this conference. Many of these tribes were recently considered unreached. Praise the Lord they are unreached no more.

Some of these tribal peoples have a very rough history. One pastor used to be a member of a tribe that practiced cannibalism. He became a born again Christian and stopped this brutal practice. He attended Bible school and is now pastoring a small congregation. He said he can no longer practice cannibalism because he now knows that all people are created in the image of God, and that he should love them and show them the love of Christ rather than kill and eat them. AMEN!


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Dave, wow, sounds like you had a great trip. I will certainly never forget the time I spent in Mindanao. We actually talked to a high-ranking officer in the MILF, who assured us we would not be harmed during our visit.


  2. Dan, I know you have a big place in your heart for the Philippines. I hope someday you can return.


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