PGG Someone synthesized the message I shared yesterday morning at Christ Community Worship Center as PGG, meaning PRAY GO GIVE. This was the challenge of my message yesterday morning concerning missions and the work of the world harvest, that all believers should do their part by either praying for missionaries, going on missions, and also making a financial investment into world missions. It was a true blessing to share on Sunday morning at CCWC. This is also the church of my good friend, brother, and fellow missionary Jimmy Capone . The senior pastor is a Dr. Jim Burck. He and his wife Pat are a huge blessing to me personally and to us as a family. I have always felt it necessary to maintain mentoring relationships with those who are more experienced in ministry. I am thankful to count Dr. Burck as one of my mentors. He has blessed me with his time, wisdom, and counsel. My message this Sunday can be summed up with the very wise and challenging words of J. Hudson Taylor : ...