2012 was yet another amazing year for our family. Eric started working at a local coffee shop ministry called FUEL . Eric is a volunteer, learning barista skills. Chris started ministering along side Go To Nations missionaries Natalie Mattes and Yolanda Ortega , working with them at the San Isidro Relocation village and also at the Calajunan city trash dump site. Of course she continues to work with the Sonshine Center and the preschool and the scholarship program. We start every year with our Timothy Internship Program. This year we had our largest batch ever, fifteen interns . Here are eight of them on a trisikad, I think they could fit at least one more. Of course we continued to work with Camp Sonshine Philippines and the summer camps. Once again,we ministered to over 1,000 kids. Eric, Faithy, and Danny are not campers anymore, they are assistant counselors, helping with games . . . helping with crafts . . . helping lead assembly . . . hel...