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Showing posts from June, 2010

Top Ten Ways to Know You are "Really" a Missionary

10. You can't answer the question, "Where are you from?" 9. You speak two languages, but can't spell either. 8. You have a time zone map next to your telephone. 7. You can cut grass with a machete, but can't start a lawn mower. 6. You sort your friends by continent. 5. You read National Geographic and recognize someone. 4. You don't think two hours is a long sermon. 3. You haggle with the checkout girl for a lower price. 2. Fitting 15 or more people into a car seems normal to you. 1. You watch nature documentaries, and think about how good that animal would taste if it was fried.

Guess Where we Have Been . . .

this week. Every time we are Stateside my Mom spoils us with an Orlando vacation. This week, along with my brother Rey, we are enjoying Sea World and other Disney attractions.


Our Stateside sojourn continues with some travels. We spent three days in Myrtle Beach, SC, enjoying some beach time, then we enjoyed more beach time at Daytona Beach. There we joined other Go To Nations missionaries at our missionary reunion. Now we are at my Mom's house in Ocala, FL, and tomorrow she takes us to Orlando for some theme park fun. In Daytona Beach we went to a unique restaurant on the water, with GTN missionaries Glenn and Rebekah Hickey and their kids. It was like Sea World in that we were entertained by dolphins. They swam near our table our entire meal, even jumping out of the water to catch fish.