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Showing posts from February, 2009

Medical Outreach

We had an incredible medical outreach at the Sonshine Center. We had doctors and nurses from local hospitals and universities working with us, and we got most of medicines donated. We were able to do medical checkups to nearly 200 children. We even had a visit from the Vice-mayor of Iloilo and we also got on local TV. It was an incredible day.

The Kids are Blogging

Check out their new site: .

Internship-Mandatory Downtime

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. With that in mind we had mandatory downtime today, spending the entire day at Anhawan beach in nearby Oton. This was to be true downtime, meaning no intern related books or reading materials were allowed--no studying, no working on projects, just relaxing. That is exactly what we all did. Find more photos like this on MissionsPlex

Little Church Big Faith

On Sunday we attend a house church affiliated with Full Gospel Center Church. The interns ministered in music, children's ministry, testimonies, and one intern, Natalie, preached. This is an amazing church. The church was small, hot, and full of passionate believers. The boy in the picture above (second row, wearing a blue t-shirt) is named John-John. He is ten years old and is autistic. One day John-John wandered from home and went to the nearby beach. Tragically he ended up in the water and drowned. Two hours later the house church pastor, Pastor Jules, found John-John face down in the water. He grabbed the boy from the sea, took his hands and declared "In Jesus name, he can't go yet Lord." In the taxi on the way to the hospital he kept praying over the child. When they arrived at a local hospital John-John was declared dead. They left his lifeless body for the family to claim. Meanwhile the small house church was praying and praying. Suddenly the doctors in the hos...

Internship Ministry-Christ Hill Church Lambunao, Philippines

On Sunday we took the interns on a road trip to Lambunao, Philippines, a rural area about two hours outside the city. Getting there is literally part of the adventure. Renting jeepneys we had to slog through dirt roads, we even had to cross a small river in our jeep. The interns ministered to the adults and the children. It was a very blessed time, getting out of the city and seeing what I call the “real” Philippines. The church in Lambunao, Christ Hill Community Church, was started by Calvary International missionary, Nomil Adorada, and his family. The church was built on land donated by his family. Find more photos like this on MissionsPlex

Ministering Christ's Body and Blood

A major part of the Timothy Internship Program is our partnering in ministry with a strong, local church. Full Gospel Center Church is a perfect example of a strong local church. The interns spent one week experiencing cultural immersion, staying with host families from Full Gospel. The interns also spent two weeks learning Ilonggo, being taught by believers from Full Gospel. Last Sunday the interns began ministering at the church by helping serve communion.


Even though I have been a born again Christian since I was twelve years old, I have never been water baptized, that is until today. We were celebrating Eric's eleventh birthday at our campus pool. We had several missionaries attending. We were also blessed to have Pastor Tim Lovelace and his wife here. They also happen to be Vice Presidents of Field Ministries with Calvary International. Tim did the honors for me, and also he baptized Eric and Faith. At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. As Jesus was coming up out of the water, he say heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: "You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."