On Sunday we took the interns on a road trip to Lambunao, Philippines, a rural area about two hours outside the city. Getting there is literally part of the adventure. Renting jeepneys we had to slog through dirt roads, we even had to cross a small river in our jeep. The interns ministered to the adults and the children. It was a very blessed time, getting out of the city and seeing what I call the “real” Philippines. The church in Lambunao, Christ Hill Community Church, was started by Calvary International missionary, Nomil Adorada, and his family. The church was built on land donated by his family.
You may recall we have been directing missionary internships for 15 years. We recently completed the first ever Go To Nations (GTN) Timothy Internship Program in the United States (Jacksonville, FL). Five new missionaries were equipped and empowered, they have been filled up and are ready to be sent out! ...
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