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Can You Change the World from a Desk?

A common refrain heard on cop shows and action movies, "I don't want to be stuck behind a desk, I want to be on the street where the action is!"

Can you change the world from a desk?

In a single day I (Dave) had meetings "in" the Philippines, Nepal, the Ukraine, Poland, Guyana, AND the United States, all while sitting at my desk. In February we were promoted as the Vice Presidents of Equipping. We now lead the equipping and training process for all Go To Nations missionaries. When we lived in the Philippines and Thailand, our reach and responsibilities were primarily Asia focused. With our current leadership position, we are able to have a more global impact. We assist our field missionaries with family challenges, handling crisis, ministry questions, mentoring, and ongoing training. From our World Headquarters in Florida we are able to serve all of our field teams and many field missionaries, even from behind a desk!

We are still getting out in the world, Dave will be making a missions trip to Honduras later this month, and then going to the Philippines in August and November, and Chris may be making a trip to Estonia in the Spring!

Christ is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end we strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in us.
Colossians 1:28-29
Training, equipping, inspiring and launching new missionaries is what we have been doing for nearly 20 years. Here we pray over and help commission Isaiah and Britney Conley, who are now directing GTN short term missions. I (Dave) was also blessed to teach, train and serve with the Conleys during my trips to Cyprus.
We are equipping locally as well. We are trainers at Trinity Fitness PV, a Christ-centered crossfit type gym/fitness ministry. We minister with devotions, prayer, and coaching.
Our home church, Redeemer, partners with over 100 missionaries and ministries. Chris and I are now part of their Missions Advancement Team, which seeks to promote and mobilize missions in the church as well as care for and support field missionaries.
Daniel graduated from Tocoi Creek High School, magna cum laude! He will start at the University of North Florida in the Fall, studying kinesiology. Congrats to the Class of 2024!


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