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Day One, Cambodia

Yes, I can openly declare that I am in Cambodia since I am not in a restricted access country. The Kingdom of Cambodia is a constitutional monarchy, with a reigning King and a Prime Minister. The churches here are open and free to worship as they please. I am in the capitol of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. I am here to film and assist with the Calvary Bible Institute graduation. I am working with veteran Calvary International missionaries Bruce and Emma Behnken. There will be about 80 graduates.

I don't like roller coasters. I never really did enjoy these vomit inducing rides, and now that I have gotten older, I stay away from them. Unfortunately my flight from "Nevada" to here was quite the coaster. It is rainy season in this part of the world. It was a pretty rough ride. Plus my plane was actually not much more than a puddle jumper, it even had propellors instead of jet engines. Fortunately the flight was only 50 minutes long. I managed to hold my lunch while on the plan, but to be honest, when I got off, I headed to the bathroom and ralphed. I actually felt better after that. So much so that when I got to my hotel, I was actually hungry for dinner.

My hotel is called Long Beach Hotel. We are not near any kind of beach, so why the name? I found out later the owner used to live in Long Beach, CA, hence the name.

Off to bed, graduation will be a full day event.


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