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I Know I Sound Like a Broken Record . . .

but we firmly believe that our kids are not "future" missionaries, they are missionaries NOW.

This was reinforced this summer camp season (April to June). Eric, Faith, and Daniel worked all summer helping Camp Sonshine Philippines minister to over 1,000 kids. 

While this was not their first summer doing ministry at Camp Sonshine, this was the summer of their greatest growth in ministry. Eric grew in the area of spiritual maturity, giving morning devotions for the first time and also becoming more involved in prayer ministry. Faith and Danny grew in taking ownership of their responsibilities. They were not campers, they were there to work. 

There is something truly profound about watching your children do ministry. Since we are in the Philippines, we don’t have the opportunity to watch Eric play flag football, or watch Danny play on a t-ball team. We love sports, and we miss that very much. While athletic accomplishments can make you famous and get your name in the newspaper, doing ministry makes Jesus famous, and the impact is eternal. 

This is why we love watching our kids doing ministry. What they are learning and building is eternal. They are learning that they can be used by God at any age. They are learning to become part of something bigger than themselves. And they are reaping an eternal as well as an earthly reward.

The theme for summer camps this year was “Treasures in Heaven.” With their labors this summer, Eric, Faith and Danny have truly stored up for themselves many treasures in Heaven.

“Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:20, 21


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