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Stay Home

Top Ten Reasons You Should NOT go on a Short Term Missions Trip:

10. It will make you uncomfortable. The other side of the world is a weird place, different languages, different smells (some of them really bad).

9. There will be sorrow. When you see true poverty and dire need with your own eyes, it can be radically depressing.

8. This will not be a vacation. You have precious few vacation days at your job. Why spend them going to some poor, third world country?

7. It's not your calling, when Jesus gave the Great Commission He was not talking about you.

6. The food is weird--and you are a meat and potatoes guy.

5. Two words, JET LAG.

4. You might be moved by what you see so much so that you will want to start giving to missions and missionaries, and with the current economy can you really afford that?

3. You will be used. No one likes to be used.

2. You will probably want to do it again, and if you keep making these kinds of trips, it might lead to full-time missions.

1. It will probably change your life--no need for that, you are perfect they way you are.

Stay home.


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