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Just Go

Most of you know that my recent post (Stay Home) was a bit of tongue in cheek. Here is how I really feel, or

The Top Ten Reasons Why YOU Should Go on a Short Term Missions Trip:
10. It will get you out of your comfort zone. There is a time to move from the comfort zone into the courage zone.

9. Your heart will break. When you see poverty and dire need with your own eyes (watching it on TV does not count), your heart will be radically different, your compassion will increase.

8. Your faith will be stretched. Raising finances and then doing ministry in another country is not easy, it requires faith. Faith is like a muscle, the more you use it the bigger it gets.

7. Jesus told you to go, read Mark 16:15.

6. You are already qualified. Christ only needs you to say "YES" He will take care of the rest.

5. You will build relationships that will last a lifetime. When you do ministry side by side with other missionaries and national believers, you will share a bond that will last a lifetime.

4. The devil does not want you to go, he would rather you stay home. When the devil's made we're glad.

3. You will be blessed. Yes, you will be a blessing, but in return you will be blessed. When you minister to street children, you will find them ministering to you.

2. You will be used. You will be amazed when you see God touch the hurting and the lost through your life, through your hands.

And the number one reason why you should go on a short term missions trip:

1. It will change your life.

Christ is calling, how far will you go?


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