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500 on 5 Continents

You may recall the big news in our previous newsletter. Here are more details as to what God has next for us.

The Lord gave our Go To Nations leadership the vision to raise up 1,000 Millennial and Gen Z missionaries by 2030- this is a huge goal. Aligning ourselves with this goal, God has challenged Chris and I to raise up 500 of that 1,000. By 2030 we hope to train 500 Millennial and Gen Z interns through the Timothy Internship Program (TIP). We will do this by expanding the internship program to 5 continents.

We directed 6 TIPs in the Philippines, and that caused the GTN Philippine team to grow. We directed 6 TIPs in Thailand, and we saw similar growth to that team. GTN Cyprus held their first TIP in 2019, and GTN Honduras held one in 2021. With more internships worldwide, we are confident we will see the trend of growing GTN teams--more workers for the global harvest!

Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back. Isaiah 54:2

Way back in 2004 we were interns (with a very young Eric and Faith). We feel the GTN Timothy Internship Program is the best way to prepare someone for long term, missionary service.
Our largest batch of interns was 16, and the kids made this group even bigger! We have trained singles, married couples, and young families how to more than just survive, but THRIVE on the mission field.


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