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Send More Workers, Lord!

Go To Nations has a proven equipping track that has been empowering new missionaries to go to the nations (see what I did there?) since the 1980's. Dave and I have been a part of serving with the Equipping Division for the past 15 years. 
We are a product of this process, here we are on our own internship, 19 summers ago in Guatemala.
The first step in this track is Missionary Preparation and Orientation. In June we helped to empower seven missionaries through this first step which prepares them for missionary service with Go To Nations.
Where it all begins, Missionary Preparation and Orientation (MPO)--the June MPO candidates. In 2024 we will conduct an MPO in February and August. JOIN US!
Photo credit Joel Vagera
The second step is the Timothy Internship Program. This is a ten-week intensive boot camp with practical, hands-on training. We are currently training five missionary interns in Jacksonville, FL through this program.
Picture above, our first ever Timothy Internship Program in 2009 in Iloilo, Philippines. Now we are in the second week of our first ever, US based internship here in Jacksonville, FL. Our next internship will be back in Iloilo in 2024!
Jesus said, "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into his fields." Luke 10:2

Every day at 10:02 am, Dave and I have our alarms set so that we can pray for workers to be equipped and empowered to go into the nations. We invite you to pray with us at this time.  

Our mission is to empower and equip the next generation of missionaries. 
And speaking of the next generation, in July, we welcomed our first granddaughter Koa Joy Shanen. It is a joy (see what I did there?) to watch our own children becoming moms and dads in the Kingdom. Congratulations to Steven and Faith!


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