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3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Liftoff!

3 . . 2 . . 1 . . LIFTOFF!

Launched and Launching!

At 10:02AM every day, Dave and I have our watches set to remind us to pray for workers to be sent out into the harvest. The time 10:02 is not arbitrary, in Luke 10:2, Jesus told the disciples, "The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord of the harvest; ask Him to send out workers into His fields." So we pray, and we also empower and equip those workers to go into the harvest.

Over the past several months, Dave and I have trained and launched 8 new, full-time missionaries into their harvest field. And in the next 2 months another 3 will be sent as well. These missionaries have been sent to Asia, North America and Africa. Their first field assignment will last 2 years where they will be working alongside veteran missionaries to prepare them for a lifetime of missionary service.

In the next 5 years, we are believing that 500 young men and women will be mobilized in missions. These 11 missionaries are the first fruit of who we are believing God wants to raise up as workers in the harvest. Set your alarms and pray with us at 10:02 AM every day for God to send more workers into the harvest field. And together all of us, the senders, equippers and sent ones, will reap a global harvest.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. John 15:16
Launched! Marcel and Snow have started their missionary journey in the Philippines, eventually they will transition to Japan.
Launched! Angie is serving in our World Headquarters. We have known Angie since her post Bible school days, we originally met her back in 2004 in the Philippines.
Launched! Jonathan and Nicole started their training in Asia and will serve at GloDev, the community development arm of Go To Nations.
Launched! Charity is in Kenya, serving on the newest Go To Nations field team.
Launched! Torben and Phoenix are now in Kenya. Their heart is to minister through fitness and adventure recreation, and Torben has a heart for men's ministry. 
Launching soon! Ethan will soon be in the Philippines. His heart is to minister to Muslims.
Launching soon! Patrick and Alli will soon be in the Philippines. They both served in our World Headquarters for a season. Next stop, Asia!


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