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Little Church Big Faith

On Sunday we attend a house church affiliated with Full Gospel Center Church. The interns ministered in music, children's ministry, testimonies, and one intern, Natalie, preached. This is an amazing church.

The church was small, hot, and full of passionate believers. The boy in the picture above (second row, wearing a blue t-shirt) is named John-John. He is ten years old and is autistic. One day John-John wandered from home and went to the nearby beach. Tragically he ended up in the water and drowned. Two hours later the house church pastor, Pastor Jules, found John-John face down in the water. He grabbed the boy from the sea, took his hands and declared "In Jesus name, he can't go yet Lord." In the taxi on the way to the hospital he kept praying over the child. When they arrived at a local hospital John-John was declared dead. They left his lifeless body for the family to claim. Meanwhile the small house church was praying and praying. Suddenly the doctors in the hospital saw the child had started to breathe. They began to administer CPR and other first aid to the child, and minutes later he was very much alive with a huge smile on his face.

As with every person, the Lord obviously has huge plans for John-John's life.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Simply Awesome

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Dave, thanks for sharing. Great to know that our Lord Jesus still raises the dead! Praise GOD! ML

  3. David,

    Thanks for the blessing. God can indeed do anything.....

  4. Anonymous2:09 AM



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