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Somewhere in Southeast Asia, Day Three

I have confirmed there are almost 3,000,000 scooters in this city, and that is no exaggeration. I have taken pictures and shot video, but even these cannot properly convey the sheer numbers of scooters here. They are everywhere, parked in every open spot on the sidewalk, and also parked inside buildings and places to eat. Words, pictures, and video footage cannot properly describe what nearly 3,000,000 scooters motoring around looks like.

I am benefiting from the fact that this is not my first trip here. Last time in November, it was very hard and I was worn out every night after teaching. This time things are not as difficult. I am sure part of it is the fact that I am not sick with a cold. On my last trip, I would wake up sick, wishing I could just stay in bed and rest, but I knew there was no substitute teacher. I was it, and the students were expecting me everyday. I also believe the joy of the Lord has given me great strength.

It is a great joy to see these students again. It is a great joy for me to be reunited with these precious brethren again. Today my translator was a pastor I met the last time I was here, and we have been emailing each other since then. It was so good to see him again, to work with him again, this kind of joy is giving me strength.

I also know that many of you are keeping me and this trip in your prayers. Please continue as your prayers are effective and powerful. This is what we do, and this is how we do it.


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