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It is so good to be back home again in Iloilo. As much as I love making Bible school teaching trips to various places, I find it very hard to be away from my family. They spent two days in Hong Kong enjoying a mini family vacation at Hong Kong Disneyland. We then met up in Manila Saturday night. We spend two nights there enjoying some American comforts like good restaurants and nice shopping malls. We ate a really nice Italian place and also Chilis, it was just like States, the atmosphere, the food, and even free refills on your drinks. It is amazing how enjoying this kind of stuff every now and then can really recharge your batteries while living in a foreign country. We also found a great bookstore in the Power Plant Mall. We were there for over two hours just reading, like a library. I am very glad we are all back together again. I missed them very much.

I can now disclose that myself and my other Bible school teacher were almost compromised while we were in (unnamed country). Twice the secret police came to the safehouse where we were teaching, demanding entrance. We were almost raided. The lady of the house had been praying all week, the Lord had revealed to her that this might happen and that she needed to pray. The two times they came, she adamantly refused them entrance, and in spite of their insistence, the secret police eventually went away.

Praise the Lord for the power of prayer. For myself and my fellow teacher, the worst that would have happened to us is that we would have been immediately deported and blacklisted, that is we would no longer be allowed in the country. Unfortunately if we had been raided, the thirty or so students and our translators would have probably been arrested.

I know many of you were keeping this trip in regular prayer. The Bible states that the prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. Do you need any more proof to know that this is true? Thank you for your prayers of protection. It is what thwarts the attacks of the enemy.

Aslan is on the move.


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    God's providence and covering were upon you and his infant church! It's like in the old Star War's movie. Obi Wan uses the force on the storm troops and just says 'move along'. And in your case the prayers made the secret police ...'move along'.


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