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One Thoursand Pesos

At the current exchange rate, one thousand Filipino pesos (P1,000) equals a little more than $20. It takes P1,000 to feed the kids (around 150) of the Sonshine Center each Saturday. After Kid's Church on Saturday we try to send the kids home with a simple but substantial meal, usually something like soup and rice. Last Saturday we served arroz caldo, one of my favorites. For most of our kids, this meal will be their only meal of the day. We have also been trying to raise funds for this feeding program by seeking investors here in the Philippines. While many churches and individuals in the States partner with the Sonshine Center, we feel we should be giving Filipino churches, families, and individuals the opportunity to invest into the Sonshine Center.

So we have started a fund-raising drive, seeking people to sponsor a Saturday Kid's Church meal. Businesses and individuals can pick a Saturday to sponsor, example:

We hope to see plenty of these posters being displayed in people's homes and businesses around the city. We are off to a great start. A local Christian school, Alpha Crest Academy, has chosen to sponsor twenty Saturdays! They could wallpaper one of their rooms with these posters!


  1. Hi
    My name is michelle.
    I'm very interested in the work that you do to help those in need.
    I'm currently a freshman at FSU and was wondering if it would be possible for me to help in the philippines in the near future.
    My email is
    Thank you so much and get back to me whenever you have time.


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