What ever happened to these guys?
The Anasco Family in 2004
Plenty . . .
Six years ago we left our American home for the Philippines and we began a new chapter in our family's life. These six years have been amazing. We have since had two more children (and remember they are not "future" missionaries); we have have done camps, camps, and more camps; we have hosted teams, teams, and more teams; we have taken Bible school teaching trips to Cambodia and also to "Nevada" working with the persecuted church; we have trained and continue to train future full-time missionaries--it has been an amazing journey.
One of the many things we have learned in the last six years is faithfulness. God is faithful. As we have taken this step of faith, leaving jobs, family, and things familiar, we have NEVER lacked. God has been more than faithful.
Another thing we have learned is purpose. God does indeed have a purpose for every person. When we find our purpose, we find true fulfillment.
God's purpose is like a river. Once you get into the river, it will take you. Once you immerse yourself into the water, fully surrendering to the flow of the water, the river will take you to where you need to go. God's purposes will carry you, it will take you to the place of provision, wisdom, grace--whatever you need to fulfill that purpose. All we have to do is get into the river and surrender.
We are so thankful for these past six years. We are also thankful for those of you who have been taking this journey with us, laboring right along side with us with your prayers, your encouragement, your coming on trips, and your partnership.
What we can say without a doubt, with every assurance: this is our destiny, we are living our purpose. This is what we were born to do.
. . . and we are just getting started.
Life with God is such an adventure! May God bless the next 6 years of ministry, and take you guys places you never even imagined! You guys are amazing...